Tips on Setting Your Wallpaper
Since my focus is on desktop wallpapers I tend to play with them quite a bit. Here are a few tips on different ways to use your wallpaper images.
Jill Bolte Taylor Video
If anyone in your family has had a stroke you will find this video very enlightening. Jill Bolte Taylor describes in detail what happens during a stroke. Her background as a brain scientist allowed her to analyse the process when she experienced a stroke.
Interesting Facts About Butterflies
When my backyard became a Mecca for Butterflies I got my camera out and started shooting away. Watching these beautiful life forms I realized I knew very little about them. I decided to do a little research and this is what I came up with.
Butterfly Trivia Quiz
Ok, so maybe I went a little to far with this one. After learning what I did about butterflies I thought it would be fun to create a trivia quiz to see just how much you know about butterflies. A fun quiz with a reward fro those that complete it. = )